
There are many ways to teach yoga. Guiding people through various poses while reminding them to breathe deeply is probably the most common approach, but there is a lot more to yoga than postures and breath. Ultimately yoga is a journey, an exploration of the Self, and for me writing is very much a part of that. When I teach a class I attempt to share my understanding, experience and love of yoga through the physical practice. These writings are my way of doing the same through reflections, stories and poetry. I hope you enjoy them.


ON THE BENEFITS OF PRACTICING “ADVANCED” POSTURES: There’s more to handstands and deep backbends than meets the eye.

THE WILL TO WIN: Sometimes the goal is the process, and winning lies not in the outcome, but in your approach.

PRACTICE & DETACHMENT: A reflection on two of the cornerstones of yogic philosophy.

DON’T FEAR THE SUTRAS: An encouraging word to inspire your studies.

LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX… & YOGA: What does yogic philosophy have to say about sex? A lot, actually.

WHAT IS YOUR WHY… & WHY?: A reflection on the importance of understanding your motivations.

A PRACTICE FOR TRYING TIMES: How yoga can help you keep your cool when challenges arise.

ON THE HEART OF YOGA: Most people associate yoga with flexibility, strength and/or meditation. If only they knew what it’s really all about.

A GIFT IN PASSING (short fiction): True happiness can be hard to come by. Who would've thought it could be found in an unexpected encounter with a dead bird.

FREEDOM SCHOOL (non-fiction): Reflections on volunteering to teach yoga at a maximum security juvenile prison.

SOARING…: Because a little poetry is good for the soul.